I’m afraid we’ve got nothing for you today, because – funny story – as we were on our way out yesterday evening to go someplace to drink dinner, a little black cat with no collar or tags approached us on the sidewalk, meowing and looking for attention. We gave him a pat and went on our way… only to have the little guy follow us to the end of the block, where a barking dog stopped him in his tracks.

As we poured a few drinks down our head at the local bar, we figured the guy was friendly enough to belong to someone on the block, and would have gone home by the time we returned to the Home Office. Yeah, that’s what we figured. Right up until the moment when we got home and the little fella was waiting under our front stoop, meowing like crazy. And it would have seemed rude not to invite this little guy in.


So, long story short: there are no veterinarian’s offices open on Sundays to see if this guy’s chipped by an original owner… although considering he seems to be rocking a swinging pair of bing cherries behind him, I doubt anyone bothered to chip him. But still, tomorrow I’ll get him checked over just to be sure and will put a post on our local Animal Control Department’s Facebook page to see if anyone’s missing him. But in the meantime, he needs cat food and a box to crap in – you know, things I haven’t had lying around the house since I graduated college and started drawing a salary. So things are a little busier than originally anticipated here.

So yeah: The Crisis On Infinite Midlives Home Office has, at least for the moment, a house mascot.

And considering I’ve never owned an animal larger than a crab louse, “for the moment” is the key phrase in that sentence.