…And They Have A Plan. It’s Super Effective!

It has been a crazy-busy day here at the Crisis On Infinite Midlives Home Office; some days, you just don’t have a lot of time to play around on the Internet. Or to watch TV. I mean, let’s say you want to catch up on Battlestar Galactica. That’s four seasons, man! It’s like ninety hours if you want to catch up on the whole thing, or sixty-eight hours if you just want to see the good stuff (Tigh’s a Cylon? Really? If we’d gone to season five, we probably would have found out that Adama was a Power Ranger. And stay tuned for season six, where we ask: who are the final four Weebles!).

We understand, and want to help. So even though we’re strapped for time today, we’d like to present: Battlestar Galactica. In it’s entirety. In four minutes. In 8-bit animation.

You heard me.

Tune in next week when I reproduce Lee Van Cleef’s American Ninja in thirty seconds with my wang and a cocktail sword swizzle stick for the neighbor kids… and when I reproduce the Rodney King beating with the Boston Police and my skull.