We Interrupt Our Regular Programming For Thirty Seconds Of Pure Awesome

While we will endeavor to post a review of Avengers Vs. X-Men #5 later this afternoon, I wanted to interject that we recently had a birthday celebration here at the Crisis On Infinite Midlives Home Office… specifically mine. I recently turned forty-go-fuck-yourself. And co-editor Amanda warned me that I might have to wait for my gift… which she presented to me today.

Allow me to present, me.

Frozen in motherfucking Carbonite.

This is a custom ordered model, based on a photograph of me, built by artist Paul Pape. And if I say so myself, it is a reasonable facsimile, except I am convinced that my double-chin is smaller and my dick is bigger.

And this fucker is weighty; the back feels like a real chunk of marble, and the actual likeness of my bloatedĀ carcass in Carbonite is some kind of metal-feeling composite. Bottom line: this is a well-built sculpture, with enough mass to glass the sense out of someone who might, say, buy a comics writer some socks for his birthday (hi, Mom!)

If you’re looking for your own objet d’art du Star Wars, you can get details at Pape’s Web site. It’s a one-of-a-kind piece that I can personally attest: is pretty fucking awesome. Mom’s getting one for Christmas; she asked for socks, but fuck her.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I’m about to be delivered to Jack The Hutt by Boba Daniels.