It Came True. You’re Lookin’ At It

Hey, didja hear about the dude in Texas who skated on an indictment for murder after he beat a guy to death when he caught the dude raping his treasured and favorite child?

What does that have to do with comics, you might ask? Well, funny story: The Comedian is my favorite character in Alan Moore’s and Dave Gibbons’s Watchmen… and Brian Azzarello’s and J. G. Jones’s Before Watchmen release of Comedian was released today. And considering Crisis On Infinite Midlives contributor Trebuchet tweeted the following to me this afternoon:

I’m guessing (Rob) hasn’t read today’s Before Watchmen release… I would have heard the screams from here…

…it means that… this

…means the end of our broadcast day.

Ah well; regardless of yet another potentially sketchy rework of a classic Watchmen character, it’s still looking like an interesting week. We’ve got a new The Walking Dead, a personal favorite in Peter David’s X-Factor, an Avengers Vs. X-Men Round… Still…, and a bunch of other cool stuff!

But before we can be aggrieved by retroactive changes to The Comedian, first we need to read them. So until that time…

…see you tomorrow, suckers!