U. S. (Biological) Agent

Tomorrow is American Thanksgiving, which means that here at the Crisis On Infinite Midlives Home Office, Amanda is busy mashing potatoes or candying yams or whatever the hell people do when they cook Thanksgiving dinner. And in the meantime, I am upholding my annual Thanksgiving tradition of twitching uncontrollably with the Guatamalan Eplileptic Stink Muskrat Flu.

That means that this…

…means the end of our broadcast day.

But there’s some good stuff in there for a long holiday weekend; The first issue of Dan Slott’s The Amazing Spider-Man that he has claimed on Twitter will ruin our childhoods, the first issue of The Indestructible Hulk, the first issue of IDW’s American adaptation of Judge Dredd, a new issue of The Goon, and a ton of other cool stuff! Like compulsive shivering! And dry heaves  – that’s plural, baby!

But before we can write about any of them, we first need a chance to read them, and to struggle to string together two quarter hours that don’t include the trembling shits. So until that time…

…please kill me! I mean: have a Happy Thanksgiving, and dehydration permitting, see you tomorrow, suckers!