Extreme Violence, And Also Football: World War Z Super Bowl Trailer Leaked

world_war_z_book_coverThe Super Bowl is tomorrow, which means that a large part of the population of the United States will be gathering in living rooms, taverns and bars to get shitfaced on generic American beer and watch television commercials. Rumor has it that there might also be a football contest.

Seriously: nobody gives a tin tinker’s damn about the football game tomorrow unless you live in San Francisco or Baltimore, and even then you probably don’t care because you’re too busy seeking the company of men, ducking bullets from the guns of drug dealers, or both of the above. Let’s face it: we’re in it for the commercials, and even most of those we don’t care about. After all, we will already be drinking Budweiser products, and one Internet domain name registrar is much the same as another despite he magnificence of Danika Patrick’s breasts.

Frankly, we’re in it for the teaser trailers for the summer blockbusters – to this day I remember when our contributor Trebuchet called me during the game to ask me if I’d seen the ad for a previously-unknown flick called The Matrix – and to be honest, who wants to sit there for three hours just to see thirty seconds of movie footage?

Well, not to worry, because we’ve got you covered. Specifically, the Super Bowl trailer for World War Z has leaked to the Internet, and we have it for you a day before the game. You can check it our after the jump.

There! Now you can spend Game Day without worry, and in the way God intended: ripped to the tits on beer-flavored water, while stuffing your vomithole with a variety of dead, fried animal parts!