…Every Day You Get One More Yard

So who’s spending all their waking hours nervously glancing at their smartphones, imagining vibrations or half-ringtones, praying fervently for an email from San Diego Comic-Con’s booking agent Travel Planners to find out whether or not they got the SDCC hotels they want?

Yeah, us too. And, being the even-keeled, patient types that we at Crisis On Infinite Midlives are, we made a measured and reasoned decision this evening while visiting our local comic store, where they know me by name and ask me to stop shrieking, “I’ll suck your dick for a couch to surf within a block of the San Diego Convention Center!” at the paying clientele, to remove the distressingly silent Android phones from our hands and fill them with glasses of tequila.

Which means that, even if we didn’t find out where we’ll be staying in San Diego, we did make it to the comic store, which means that this…


…means the end of our broadcast day.

But that is one hell of a take, huh? Starting with an Alan Moore / Kevin O’Neill installment of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen so new and relatively unexpected that even our local comic store owner wasn’t certain it wasn’t actually an arty sequel to Marshall Law, and continuing with the recently-spoiled Grant Morrison issue of Batman Incorporated, a new issue of The Legend of Luther Strode, a new Matt Fraction Hawkeye and last, but not least: Brian Michael Bendis’s first issue of Guardians of The Galaxy! Plus a pile of other good shit!

But before we can review them, we need to swallow the worm and have some time to read them through the double vision. So while we process the fact that this is the way we live on a Wednesday in our early 40s…

…see you tomorrow, suckers!