Double Murder

I knew I knew you, I knew I knew you. But you ain’t you. You can’t be you… There ain’t no coming back. This is the really real world, there ain’t no coming back. We killed you dead, there ain’t no coming back! There ain’t no coming back! There ain’t no coming back!

– T-Bird, The Crow

Man, Dan Slott isn’t interested in making any friends these days.

Slott’s Twitter feed has been lighting up all day from people who are, shall we say, miffed at Slott over the events of The Superior Spider-Man #9. In the way that Simon Weisenthal was miffed at Josef Mengele. Or the way Alan Moore is miffed at Dan DiDio. Or Joe Quesada. Or Dave Gibbons. Or pretty much anybody.

So as soon as I got to my local comic store, where they know me by name and ask me to stop making frivilous references to Mengele, the first thing I did was read The Superior Spider-Man #9. And while I don’t want to spoil anything (at least not until I review the issue), I can safely say that the reason so many people are affected is that, well, Slott’s done it again… which actually is a spoiler, but fuck it. If you actually figure it out, my defense will be that my brain has been taken over by an evil scientist: Dr. Jack Daniels.

So there’s that big Octopus-scented shot coming across the bow this New Comics Day, but that’s certainly not it for new comics. There’s plenty of other books just out, which means that this…


…means the end of our broadcast day.

There’s some good stuff in there, huh? There’s the new book by J. Michael Straczynski and Ben Templesmith, Ten Grand, the new Gail Simone book The Movement, Brian Buccellato’s new pulp superhero book The Black Bat, a new Hawkeye and Age of Ultron, plus a bunch of other cool-looking stuff!

But you know how it is: before we can review any of them, we need time to read them. So until we can get that done…

…see you tomorrow, suckers!