In Your Comicz, Steelin Your Sooperdoodz

You might have noticed that our posts this week have been a little more… shall we say, anemic, than some other weeks. I am not proud of this, but you have a point. You see, in the couple of years that we have been writing about comics, we have settled into a routine: a couple of comic book reviews a week, a few news pieces, and then on Wednesday, we get our new books, arrange them into a photogenic tableau, and announce the end of our broadcast day.

However, as we mentioned the other day, we have a new occupant in the Crisis On Infinite Midlives Home Office, and, well, our routines are all shot to shit.

Case in point…


But regardless of the theiving efforts of this master criminal, it is Wednesday, and those are new comics. And there is a pretty solid take there: we have the first issue of Jimmy Palmiotti’s and Amanda Conner’s Harley Quinn, the latest issue of Matt Fraction’s and Chip Zdarsky’s Sex Criminals, the latest issue of the surprisingly entertaining Afterlife With Archie, new issues of Marvel’s Infinity and Cataclysm crossovers, and a bunch of other cool stuff!

But you know the drill… actually, there’s a new drill. Up until now, the drill was that before we could talk about them, we needed time to read them. The new drill is pretty much the same, only now there is catnip involved.

So until the cat is high and we have time to read them…

See you tomorrow, suckers!