Sack Full of Surprises

It has been a hectic week here at the Crisis On Infinite Midlives Home Office. Our new mascot, Parker The Kitten, has taken a lot of our attention this week after his elective surgery – the type of elective surgery of which no man likes to contemplate. So my co-editor Amanda and I were looking forward to a nice relaxing visit to our local comic store, where they know me by name and ask me to not discuss elective surgery of the type no man likes to contemplate, to check out some new comics without having to think about Parker.

Yeah, that didn’t work out.


Yes, that is the latest volume of Darwyn Cooke’s adaptation of Richard Stark’s Parker novels, Slayground. Which, other than being the namesake of our new mascot, is some damn good comics based on some damn good books.

But more importantly than being good, that book is new. And that means that it, and these…


…mean the end of our broadcast day.

But there are some good-looking books in that pile. The one I’m most excited for is Justice League 3000 – a new Justice League book by 80s Justice League writers Keith Giffen and J. M. DeMatteis – but there’s also Justin Jordan’s new Dead Body Road, new issues of Justice League, Justice League of America and Batman, and a bunch of other cool stuff!

But you know how this works: before we can talk about any of them, we need time to examine Parker’s scrotum for leakage (God, this has been a weird week), and time to read them. So while we’re doing that…

…see you tomorrow, suckers!