Days of Future Passing: X-Men Footage Debuts At MTV Movie Awards

x_men_days_of_future_past_posterSo apparently last night was the MTV Movie Awards, which I missed because I haven’t yet seen the second part of The Hunger Games trilogy, and because I am older than 15 years old and have kissed an actual girl.

But my prejudices are borne of my mid-20s and early 30s, when the only way a superhero story would be referenced would be if Jack Black put on a Robin costume and aped making out with Ben Stiller. That was the 90s, but it is the 2010s, and no less than three superhero movies are on the immediate horizon. That seems to mean that movie studios will try to leverage the MTV Movie Awards for marketing purposes, because apparently the human scum who enjoy watching teenaged mothers assault each other have money that will spend as well as money slung around by decent people.

Which is a long way to go to say that the first minute of the opening fight sequence of X-Men: Days of Future Past debuted during last night’s celebration of movies that appeal to protohumans who still have misplaced affection for Justin Bieber. And not too long ago, seeing this exclusive footage would mean that you would have to swallow your pride and watch some six-packed adolescent wave at the camera for being nominated for Best Movie Kiss in exchange for standing in front of a camera and pretending he liked women. But it is 2014, which means that if you want to see footage from an MTV award show? You just need to visit your favorite comics Web site the day after the awards show.

Or, conversely, you could visit this comics Web site. Which has the goods you’re looking for right after the jump.

Be forewarned: this video will go full screen if you give it a chance. If it does, just hit your esc key to shrink it back down.

X-Men: Days of Future Past debuts in the US on May 23rd.