Making School Spirits: Real Life Wolverine Claws

I obtained a classical liberal arts education from the late 80s to the early 90s. That education included writing, which led me to a stint in stand-up comedy. It included broadcasting, which led me to a short career as a rock and roll disc jockey. And it included a computer science minor, which has led me to a long and lucrative career in software engineering. It was four years that led me to an eclectic mix of jobs and experiences, and to a long-term gig on the cutting edge of computer security.

I have wasted my fucking life.

That is a video by Colin Furze, who apparently used his college education to make methamphetamine extract safe for children by filtering it through his lungs’ alveoli, and graduated to making working Wolverine claws! And only four or five years too late to have helped me at my 20th high school reunion! Which, granted, I did skip… but which I would have attended if I had fucking Wolverine claws!

So if you’re on the fence as to whether or not to attend your own reunion (depending on whether or not you can pack your own six hidden daggers), here’s a second video with some details as to how Furze made the thing.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to oil my whetstone, order some hydraulics, and book a room for my 30th reunion. Oh yeah: and refine that old revenge list.

(via Comics Alliance)