I feel bad that I haven’t really been watching The Simpsons for a couple seasons now. Sunday night the Crisis On Infinite Midlives Home Office DVR is set to favorite Once Upon A Time over The Simpsons and, while the former is not without its own flaws, it’s still new enough that I’m more interested in watching it instead of the over 20 year old animated series. And, I can usually find The Simpsons in various On Demand formats.

Besides, the best part of the show has often been the couch gag anyway. If I can find the couch gag on YouTube with relative ease, my needs as a viewer are largely met. Below check out this Hobbit spoofing clip from the upcoming episode “Four Regrettings And A Funeral”.

All that being said, I might check out this episode when it airs next Sunday, because it will be the bittersweet final appearance of Edna Krabappel, voiced by the late Marcia Wallace. It will also feature voice appearances by Rachel Maddow, Joe Namath, Gordon Ramsay, and Aaron Sorkin. I wonder if Ramsay is going to go all Kitchen Nightmares on Moe’s Tavern? Or I might get drunk and watch a DVR marathon of Bar Rescue, which is pretty much what that situation would look like anyway.