Tell me again about the rabbits, George. Say, what's that clicking noi-

Gang aft agley. Or something. Look, I was going to do this whole review on a copy of Journey Into Mystery #626.1 I bought last week. I was going to delve into the psyche of a now adolescent Loki and discuss how great it was that a writer wanted to examine the often strained, acrimonious relationship between Loki and Thor from a fresh perspective. Would Loki still grow up to be a mistrusted and deadly God Of Lies And Mischief if he had the opportunity to do it all over again, growing up this time under the guidance of a much older brother whom he apparently worships? Or would the cards play out the same?

Who knows? I discovered that Journey Into Mystery #626.1 actually came out back in August and, furthermore, Matt Fraction killed off Thor in Fear Itself #7 this past week. So much for my well laid plan. Thanks, Fraction. Thanks, Time. Bastards.