Contact Dermatitis

If you’re anything like me, you’re sitting there all a-quiver, wondering who Kim Kardashian dressed up as for Halloween… actually, that’s bullshit. If you’re really anything like me, you’re wondering who was up Kim Kardashian’s dress for Halloween. And how many times she opened the front door and offered a trick. Which actually is something that you don’t probably need to wait until Halloween to wonder.

Well, for good or ill, we here at Crisis on Infinite Midlives have the answer for you (Let’s call that Fair Warning): Kim went out as a famous maneater covered with a virulent infestation of malignant fungal growth! And she did it while dressed as Poison Ivy! Your need for Brain Bleach is after the jump!

On the plus side, a little Monistat should clear that right up, Kim. On the minus side, if we start seeing Batman’s nose rotting off while he screeches that he lurves Pop-Tarts, we’ll know that he didn’t keep his little indiscretions limited to Catwoman. And that there’s a sex tape of it.

(via Comics Alliance. Photo via The Superficial)