Dogs And Cats Living Together

It has been a long, strange and interesting week, what with the purchase of a new tablet PC and learning how to interface it with the Web site (What do you mean, I need to switch between three browsers to copy and paste? It shouldn’t be this hard to say “Fuck the iPad!”), the St. Patrick’s Day traditional celebration and the St. Patrick’s Day traditional charcoal pills and “stomach evacuation,” we are POOPED.

Thankfully, it is Wednesday, which means that there are new comics to relax and recuperate with, and further means that this…

…means the end of our broadcast day.

But we’re looking at a very, very decent take this week. We have Justice League #7 (less notable for the Justice League than for the debut of Geoff Johns’s Shazam reboot), a new Amazing Spider-Man (less notable for Spider-Man than for the return of a John Byrne-created villain from the 70s who is an obscure personal favorite), and the finale of Avengers: Xtinction (Less notable for… well, just not very notable)!

But before we can review them, we need to leave this bar and actually read them. So until that day: see you tomorrow, suckers!