Does Whatever A… I Mean Those… Er, Them… Screw It – Spider Things Do (Or Does)

Well, it’s Wednesday, which means that Marvel, possibly stinging from the large-scale publicity blitz that comes from DC releasing prequels to the most critically acclaimed comic series of all time, has responded by doing the obvious and saying, “Fuck it; if one Spider-Man is good, then two Spider-Men is arguably apocalyptically good. Particularly since one of those Spider-Men has been in, like, almost three fights in nine months! Now who’s up for another eight-ball!”

But regardless, be they more Spider-Men or more Watchmen, it is an interesting week for comics, which means that this…

…means the end of our broadcast day.

But it is an interesting week, is it not? Beyond the tentpole books, we’ve got Brian Wood’s new creator-owned Dark Horse book The Massive, a new Deathstroke by Rob Liefeld that Amanda has already called her nephew Little Billy to take an artistic run at, the latest Scott Snyder-written Batman in the thick of the Night Of The Owls summer event, and a ton of other good shit!

But before we can review them (and you have my word: the busy-ness of the past couple weeks that have kept our reviews down to a minimum should resolve itself this week), we need time to read them. So until then…

…see you tomorrow, suckers!