Even Hitler Thinks Dan Slott Has Ruined The Amazing Spider-Man?

While we here at the Crisis On Infinite Midlives home office, did not feel that The Amazing Spider-Man #698 was by any means horrible, we also weren’t exactly lining up to sing its praises either. Solidly written characterizations aside, it’s a big deal to play the Freaky Friday card on your protagonist, right as you’re about to end the run of a publication that has been in existence since 1963.

To that end, there are a lot of folks out there who are pretty upset about it, even… Hitler? Yes, it would seem so. I Googled it myself after coming across this in Dan Slott’s Twitter feed yesterday:

Lo and behold, someone had enough free time on their hands to update the Hitler Reacts meme.

I had no idea that Hitler was such a closet Spidey fan! Check it out, after the jump!

Dan Slott, you have a Hitler meme. Congratulations – you’ve arrived on the Internet!

And Dan Slott responds:

Dear Hitler, 4 things. 1) Amazing Spider-Man was ALREADY canceled in 1999. The 700 issues is NOT an unbroken chain. 2) Wait till you read #700 and SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #1 first. I think you’re jumping to some faulty conclusions. 🙂 3) Scott Snyder’s BATMAN is AWESOME, you totally SHOULD be reading it. And 4) I’m a Jew. :-O

So, the take away from this:

1. If Spider-Man is that important to you, read ASM #698 before throwing a hissy. Dan Slott has even been getting fans to post free digital codes so others can read the book online. Check his Twitter feed.
2. Dan Slott seems to be enjoying the notoriety this internet kerfuffle has caused.
3. Read Scott Snyder’s Batman run. Now. Seriously. Go get it or risk getting your own Hitler meme.