Delayed Gratification: New Trailer For The Walking Dead Season 3, Part 2

walking_dead_dead_insideThe television industry is guilty of many egregious and terrible sins – glaring examples include the premature cancellation of WKRP In Cincinatti, the continuing employment of any member of the Kardashian family, and the premature creation of The New WKRP In Cincinatti – but the worst in recent memory is the split cable television series season.

There is nothing worse in the world than waiting for months and months for one of your favorite television programs to premiere – say, around Halloween – and then ramping up and ramping up to a climax… only to be cut short without ceremony or even a kind word, and then told to sit on your hands and wait until they’re Goddamned good and ready to deliver the back few episodes. It is like frequenting a house of ill repute that employs the use of an accurate time clock and an angry bouncer with anger management issues; it remains fun… but circumstances make the entire experience far less fun than it really should be.

And amongst the worst perpetrators of this scheduling crime is The Walking Dead, which is pure hell, as it is about my favorite show currently going. We left it at the mid-season break with Merle reunited with Daryl, The Governor short an eye and everyone generally pissed off at each other, and then boom! It’s December and we get to take a cold shower, limp painfully home and wait until February to see what happens in the back eight episodes.

However, while being the cause of our pain, AMC at least recognizes it and takes a small amount of responsibility for easing the blue balls they themselves created by releasing some teaser trailers to let us know what we’re in for… which, the more I think about it, is actually more like that angry whorehouse bouncer showing you a Hustler as he kicks your pantsless ass out the door.

Ah, well. Be it cruelty or kindness, the latest trailer for the second half of the third season of The Walking Dead is available for your viewing… whatever… after the jump.

The Walking Dead returns on AMC on February 10th.

(via The Mary Sue)