Your Move, Creep: Robocop Statue In Detroit

robocop_statue1024553798The Crisis On Infinite Midlives main staff has a prior commitment today, and as such can’t spend as much time as we would like today producing the fine content enjoyed by all three of our regular readers, plus the untold thousands who find us via such scintillating Google searches as “Wonder Woman boob grope,” “Joker fucking Harley Quinn,” and “midlevel comic book Web site featuring more than the average number of dick jokes.”

However, we don’t want to leave you emptyhanded on this opening day of Labor Day weekend, so take a look that this account of Detroit’s greatest hope in the face of impending bankruptcy and the shame of being the hometown of Eminem: its own statue of hometown hero Robocop.

An idea that started as a sarcastic tweet in reply to the mayor’s request for ideas to beautify the city, two years and a Kickstarter campaign have conspired to create a giant brass statue of Robocop, which is now in Detroit and just awaiting a site to be finally placed.

So check it out, thanks for your patience, and we should return to our regularly-scheduled programming tomorrow.