This is a short post, since I am racing the actual release during the currently-airing Super Bowl, but the trailer for Captain America: The Winter Soldier has been released. It features a good look at The Falcon. It is awesome. Here you go:

UPDATE: And we also have five minutes of the actual movie that was shown as part of Thor: The Dark World. And you can check that out after the jump.

As I sit here watching the Kitten Halftime Show of the Puppy Bowl, I thought I should pass along that the Muppets will be live tweeting the Super Bowl, or, as the Swedish Chef calls it, the Sferndy Boom. Here, let them explain it while they shill for Toyota in the commercial below:

Via Ad Age.

And, check out the Super Bowl spot for Muppets Most Wanted, after the jump

heisenberg_not_eisenbergSo by now you’ve probably heard: Zack Snyder has cast Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor in Batman Vs. Superman.

Sure, he also cast Jeremy Irons as Alfred Pennyworth – my co-Editor Amanda just said, “Yes!” when she heard that casting choice – but nobody’s panties are in a twist over Jeremy Irons. No, half the Internet has gone berserk over the idea of dorky Columbus from Zombieland playing Superman’s arch-nemesis. Of course, this is the same Internet that threw a rod when Superman killed a guy at the end of Man of Steel, and is completely missing the awesome possibilities that that choice opens up vis-a-vis Jesse Eisenberg, but that’s not the point right now.

The point is that, even though I am personally disappointed – when the botched report that Bryan Cranston was cast came out last year, I was as excited as anyone else, as I think he’d be a killer Luthor – I think that Eisenberg actually could be a good and interesting choice to play Lex Luthor.

It all depends on which Lex Luthor we’re talking about here… and I’m guessing it’s not one we’ve ever seen before.