We here at the Crisis On Infinite Midlives Home Office got excited by the sanitized and truncated Man Of Steel trailer from the The Dark Knight Rises screening trailer, but it really felt like a trailer built on practical footage, with the single special effects shot shoehorned in to prove it was an actual movie.

We thought that because we had too much to do, and too much self-respect, to spend nineteen hours in the Hall H lane to see whatever they were calling the “extended trailer” at SDCC. We figured that all there was to see would be in the Dark Knight theatrical trailer.

We were wrong.

After the jump, is a hand-filmed and certain-to-be-deleted video from the SDCC Hall H Man Of Steel panel, showing far more (badly focused) Superman footage than the actual theatrical trailer. So, until someone gets wise and yanks the footage: enjoy the Man Of Steel SDCC 2012 trailer, in rotten, unfocused cell phone video!

A couple of weeks ago, I sat through a handful of Marvel panels at SDCC and learned…not very much. Well, at least not a lot about anything related to the assorted members of the Avengers or X-Men – which was weird, what with the whole panel dedicated to them and their “summer blockbuster” event (yes, those were the, somewhat paraphrased, words of Marvel EIC Axel Alonso). At the AVX panel, much of the time was dedicated to cheerleading, with only modest time devoted to characters and titles. Most of those titles discussed ended up being related to books that will be released post AVX (Marvel NOW!). If Alonso sees the culmination of each year’s storylines as leading into a big summer time event, you’d think he might take a cue from the the actual “blockbusters” (hint – they’re often in Hall H or Ballroom 20 and you have to line up for them the day before…not waltz into them 10 minutes before they start.). Maybe have a panel that is balanced with more writers and artists on it than editorial. Talk about some of the individual books, both team and solo, of characters involved in your “summer blockbuster” in the here and now, rather than in, ahem, Marvel NOW. I’m sure it wouldn’t have killed Arune Singh to maybe take some time out from saying “How many of you love {insert event or movie}?” and get one of the architects on speaker phone, the way he did for the Amazing Spider-Man And Other Stuff That Was Marginally Related To Spider-Man panel we attended the next day. But, who knows? Rumor has it the entire staff of Marvel has to share a single bathroom in their building. Maybe they make him pay for his own long distance?

But what does this actually have to do with Wolverine #309? You’ll find out, with spoilers.