Obviously sensing a groundswell of excitement behind the approaching Joss Whedon Avengers flick, Disney has apparently decided to strike while the iron is hot – or at least strike before someone at Ain’t It Cool News can file an advance Avengers review from a projectionists’ screening saying, “Hi, Harry – R3ct@l Pr0l@p53 here, reporting that Chris Evans suxxors ballz!” – and has announced that the sequel to the Captain America movie will hit theaters on April 4, 2014.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Children of The Pixel. Feared and hated by those they have sworn to protect. These are the strangest spoilers of all!

Cyclops is a fucking dick.

– Crisis On Infinite Midlives Editor Amanda, every New Comics Wednesday since I’ve known her

So Cyclops, like Han, shot first. Except, unlike Cyclops, people actually like Han. But we’ll get to that in a minute.

Avengers Vs. X-Men, Marvel’s tentpole summer crossover event, is finally here, and now that it is, it’s hard for me to really know what to think of it. It has a lot of action, although almost none of it is the aforementioned Avengers Vs. X-Men action (Note to self: remember the “Vs.” “Avengers on X-Men” action is an entirely different animal), and loaded with character moments, which is important in the opening chapter of a story that requires one character to act like he’s simultaneously on the upswing of a bipolar cycle and the downswing of a complete psychotic breakdown to make his behavior believable in the slightest.