Bleeding Cool is speculating as to whether The Hindustan Times has spoiled a surprise cameo in the new Avengers movie:

Casting is apparently underway for actors to dub the dialogue in The Avengers into Hindi for release against the English language version in India next April. The Hindustan Times (via CBM) have built a story out of this, specifically noting that sometime celebrity couple Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone have been offered a pair of key roles.

But which roles?

The Iron Man coupleā€¦Iron Man and his love interest Pepper.

Gwyneth Paltrow has publicly denied that she will be in the upcoming Avengers movie. Gwyneth Paltrow also likes to name her children after fruit. And thinks it’s possibly to “detoxify” the human body through Broccoli and Arugula Soup, among other things. It’s like she hasn’t even heard of that organ called a “liver”. Or, if so, certainly not my liver – which is probably the strongest muscle in my body. It’s godlike, I tell you. If she’s living on a diet of Broccoli and Arugula Soup, she’s probably light headed all the time and likely to say any damn thing, like “No, I’m not in The Avengers movie” or “Yes, Chris Martin, I will marry you despite your wuss rock” or “Yes, I should totally be in the Glee concert movie!”

You see? Completely batshit out of her head.

Oh, and I promised you Captain America speaking German. It’s after the jump.

Seriously. It’s after the jump.

Ok, so I meant to actually write a couple reviews and post them in a somewhat timely fashion today. Clearly, that didn’t happen. I could blame the change back to Standard Time, my vodka induced hangover from last night or my generally poor work ethic, but…meh. Hopefully, I’ll be less damaged and more productive tomorrow. In the meantime, via The Laughing Squid, here’s a Furby trying to make itself understood by Siri. Now, I’m going to go kill this vodka hangover with Scotch.

If you’re anything like me, you’re sitting there all a-quiver, wondering who Kim Kardashian dressed up as for Halloween… actually, that’s bullshit. If you’re really anything like me, you’re wondering who was up Kim Kardashian’s dress for Halloween. And how many times she opened the front door and offered a trick. Which actually is something that you don’t probably need to wait until Halloween to wonder.

Well, for good or ill, we here at Crisis on Infinite Midlives have the answer for you (Let’s call that Fair Warning): Kim went out as a famous maneater covered with a virulent infestation of malignant fungal growth! And she did it while dressed as Poison Ivy! Your need for Brain Bleach is after the jump!

Here – look at this, from, well, here. No, I’ll wait.

Also available for children's parties.

I’ve seen a wide variety of cosplay in my day. I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack Japan-o-philes on fire off the shoulder of Kotobukiya. I watched promo Green Lantern rings glitter in the dark near Entertainment Earth. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. And stuff.

Just in time for GirlGeekCon in Seattle this weekend and New York Comic Con in, well, New York City, next weekend, we have a batch of ambitious cosplayers who are ready to embrace the design changes of the relaunched DCnU. Behold the winners of the most recent Gamma Squad cosplay costume contest:

What? No G'nort?


In the spirit of providing you with more disturbing art based on comic book characters, I thought I’d pass along this gem I came across while browsing the Reddit Comic Book subreddit (forum thingy). This is the work of Jodi Moisan. Jodi has decided to create art that brings together her love of all things comic book…and My Little Pony – the My Hero Pony. Behold:


Yay! Ponies! Now, I would also like a Transformer and a rocket launcher and a...

Things I’ve learned wandering around the intertrons today:

I’ll probably read this. I’m currently working through The Essential Dazzler. I have no moral high ground.