Saturday at San Diego Comic-Con. The Nerdpocalypse. The day when the convention stacks up their A-List programming. ,Meaning that you will be around more lines than Tony Montana, and if the humidity rises above 40 percent, by noon you will smell like a foot.

It’s the day we Nerd Prom-goers wait for for about 364 days a year, and yesterday SDCC posted the entire preliminary programming guide for Saturday, July 14th. So let’s take a look at the panels that looked most interesting to us here at the Crisis On Infinite Midlives Home Office, and the ones most likely for us to attend, cover, and really foot the place up.

Ok, so, as we started yesterday, here’s a preview of some of the programming that will be brought to you on Friday of this year’s San Diego Comic-Con. Friday looks like a weird day that will be mostly appealing to those who are interested in television programming, The New 52 (can we still really call it “new” at this point?), and the Whedonverse. Here are some highlights from the official site:

If you, like me, are counting the scant days until the opening of The Amazing Spider-Man and can barely contain yourself, here’s a little something to hold you over until July 3. Allow me introduce you to Deadpool: A Typical Tuesday and its Facebook page.

Put together by BeanDIProductions, this movie has the humor that those of us following Daniel Way’s current run will appreciate and, some audio issues aside, a lot of heart. Oh – and, in keeping with Marvel fashion, fan film or otherwise, stick around for a bonus scene after the credits!

Well, this happened, and I can not unsee what I have seen. Yes, as reported by The Mary Sue back in April, YouTube user Ocarinaplaya has created a Brony Doctor Who…thing.

And now there’s a follow up episode:

I’ll be over here, with some Tito’s Handmade Vodka that Trebuchet and Pixiestyx left behind after their visit this weekend, contemplating the kind of world where this kind of thing can exist.

Who you calling "raggedy"? (Image via

Splashpage passes on the information that Josh Whedon was asked about which of his television creations he’d most like to revisit and his answer was “pleasing for Browncoats everywhere”:

“You know, I love all my raggedy children,” he said. “But if I could be anywhere, I’d be on board Serenity.”

Me too, Joss. Me too. I’ve loved Mal ever since I saw him kick the bad guy’s lackey into the ship’s engine during the pilot (well, technically episode two). That is a man I would drink with. In case you’ve somehow never seen that:

So, how could Firefly get any cooler? Mash it up with The Avengers!

Are you just now coming off the awesome high that was seeing The Avengers movie three times straight, possibly in back to back viewings? Do you perhaps find yourself approaching the debut of The Amazing Spider-Man with cautious enthusiasm, nay, excitement? Have you already staked out sidewalk space in front of your local megaplex in anticipation of scoring the first midnight screening tickets to The Dark Knight Rises? Well then, friends, this fan made trailer for Justice League is for you.

This trailer was created by YouTube user SouperboyX, in advance of Warner Brothers finally beginning to make mumble noises of “Oh, perhaps we could make a team movie after all. What’s that super group we have called? Superfriends? Ask Rick’s boy in accounting. He knows that nerd shit.” He describes it:

Here we basically have a ‘Suicide Squad/VRA/Brainiac Invasion’ type thing going on here. Probably what would be the three main acts of a film. Since everything has to be pretty big. I can’t really show you guys how I would mesh together those storylines in a two and a half minute trailer, but you guys can leave that to your imagination I suppose!

Which is about right, if you think about it. The suits at the studio would probably throw in notes to the writers demanding that more villains be shoe horned into the movie, distracting from the plot. Spider-Man 3, I’m looking in your direction.

SouperboyX seems to have sourced his trailer from a variety of footage, including Smallville, the Wonder Woman pilot, Green Lantern, and The Dark Knight Rises. I have to admit I got a kick out of seeing Justin Hartley back as Green Arrow. I’m still bummed he’s not going to be in the new Green Arrow series.

Check out the trailer (and a HELL of a trailer it is, too!), after the jump.

While we will endeavor to post a review of Avengers Vs. X-Men #5 later this afternoon, I wanted to interject that we recently had a birthday celebration here at the Crisis On Infinite Midlives Home Office… specifically mine. I recently turned forty-go-fuck-yourself. And co-editor Amanda warned me that I might have to wait for my gift… which she presented to me today.

Allow me to present, me.

Frozen in motherfucking Carbonite.

I’m not sure who “FunkyGibbon69” is, but his or her trolling of Isabel Fay’s YouTube Channel has inspired her to greater artistic glory.

If you’ve spent any amount of time on the Internet, you know that message boards can serve either as tools of intelligent discourse about a subject of common interest or as a gathering place for foul mouthed ass hats, who view the anonymity of the Web as license to spew hate. Usually spelled poorly at that. In some situations, trolling has gotten so bad that, as Tech New Daily recently pointed out, on June 8 “British woman Nicola Brookes won a landmark case in the country’s High Court. It requires Facebook to reveal the identities of members who were cyber bullying her online, even issuing death threats, because she posted in support of a particular musical competitor on “The X Factor” TV show”, according to The Daily Mail UK. While it’s impossible to completely police the Internet, one does wonder what kind of effect this will have on social media and message forum sites long term.

Meanwhile, Isabel Fay has chosen to go the humorous, rather than litigious route with her trolls.

Check out her video, after the jump!

Didja know that wristwatches were invented by Tiffany, sometime in the early 1900s, and that they are therefore inappropriate for a Victorian steampunk costume? Me neither, until earlier today when I went to the Watch City Festival – AKA Steampunk City – in Waltham, Massachusetts.

We here at Crisis On Infinite Midlives are not Steampunkers, we’re inveterate comics geeks. However, it is Mother’s Day, meaning that Amanda is laboring to make her mom believe she is still worthy of her meager inheritance, and I needed something to do for the afternoon other than go directly to the bar from where I am writing this (I said, “directly”). And since Steampunk City is literally a hop, skip and a jump from the Home Office, I figured I’d take a gander.