Last night the Crisis On Infinite Midlives Home Office Staff convened for the broadcast of the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special. I would like to say that a lot of tequila was involved with the construction of these tweets, but there wasn’t. Sierra Nevada and a fair amount of Sauvignon Blanc were the main perpetrators. The rest was inspired by circumstance. And, possibly tequila happenstance. Enjoy.

dw50So, the BBC have released the official press blurb of the plot to the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special. It really is more of a tease than any kind of summary. Behold:

The Doctors embark on their greatest adventure in this 50th anniversary special. In 2013, something terrible is awakening in London’s National Gallery; in 1562, a murderous plot is afoot in Elizabethan England; and somewhere in space an ancient battle reaches its devastating conclusion. All of reality is at stake as the Doctor’s own dangerous past comes back to haunt him.

Something terrible is awakening in London’s Nation Gallery… Uh-oh. Sounds like someone found that opened jar of Marmite Lance someone left under the heating grate in the Impressionists wing back in 1992. I knew nothing good could come of that. Impressionists, I mean. Give me a good Flemish still life, with flowers and table settings that are bafflingly photo realistic. None of this pixelated Water Lily stuff. Am I right?

Wait, what was I talking about again? Oh, right. Doctor Who‘s 50th anniversary, a Marmite induced fever dream in which there will be multiple Doctors and murderous plots afoot in Elizabethan England. Aren’t there always murderous plots afoot in Elizabethan England on Doctor Who? How about giving Edwardian England a little love? Haven’t traveled there for a while? Oh well. At least we’ll finally see how John Hurt’s Doctor figures into this and we’ll get to see more David Tennant while finally bidding farewell to Matt Smith. These are all good things. Much better than Marmite. And Impressionists.

I need a nap.

Via Bleeding Cool.

I feel bad that I haven’t really been watching The Simpsons for a couple seasons now. Sunday night the Crisis On Infinite Midlives Home Office DVR is set to favorite Once Upon A Time over The Simpsons and, while the former is not without its own flaws, it’s still new enough that I’m more interested in watching it instead of the over 20 year old animated series. And, I can usually find The Simpsons in various On Demand formats.

Besides, the best part of the show has often been the couch gag anyway. If I can find the couch gag on YouTube with relative ease, my needs as a viewer are largely met. Below check out this Hobbit spoofing clip from the upcoming episode “Four Regrettings And A Funeral”.

All that being said, I might check out this episode when it airs next Sunday, because it will be the bittersweet final appearance of Edna Krabappel, voiced by the late Marcia Wallace. It will also feature voice appearances by Rachel Maddow, Joe Namath, Gordon Ramsay, and Aaron Sorkin. I wonder if Ramsay is going to go all Kitchen Nightmares on Moe’s Tavern? Or I might get drunk and watch a DVR marathon of Bar Rescue, which is pretty much what that situation would look like anyway.

While the Crisis On Infinite Midlives Home Office was celebrating the Red Sox and their 8-1 trouncing of the St. Louis Cardinals last night with whiskey, bottle rockets, and eventual blackouts, Marvel released the new extended trailer for Captain America: Winter Soldier into the slipstream of the internet. Prepare yourself for Nick Fury, cybernetic arms, and being uncomfortably close to other men on elevators. Also, thrill to the reveal of the rumored Robert Redford appearance as Alexander Pierce, S.H.I.E.L.D. covert über spy.

Cool to see how they’re handling Falcon, and if you didn’t get more than a little excited at the glimpse of Bucky’s cybernetic arm, well, then I question your Captain America fanhood.

Not seen in this trailer? Batroc the Leaper. Yep. He is supposed to be in the film.


Guess there’s just some things we’ll need to wait for the movie to experience.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier drops in US theaters on April 4, 2014.

What? You say you’re already two episodes into this season of The Walking Dead and you can’t get enough of that sweet, sweet ultraviolence? Miss the satisfying pop as a shovel separates a walker’s head from his spinal cord? Wish Shane, Merle or the Govenor was still around because they helped to reinforce the idea that evil doesn’t come in an airborne virus or a shuffling, hungry horde, but rather through the way we treat our fellow man?

Still happy Andrea’s dead?

Then watch this mash up where The Walking Dead meets The Monster Mash and all will be well. At least until you start to get the zombie apocalypse DTs next Sunday – for that I’ll recommend whiskey. It always stops my hands from shaking, especially if I’m trying to whack my neighbor’s kid a zombie in the head with a shovel. Precision is everything.

Via The Mary Sue.

Normally, I wouldn’t go out of my way to watch BBCA’s The Graham Norton Show. However, the season premiere is going to include an interview with Harrison Ford and Benedict Cumberbatch, in which their potential involvement with the Star Wars sequels is going to be discussed. Harrison Ford is…noncommittal. Hillariously noncommittal.

The Graham Norton Show season premiere will air on BBCA on October 19. Star Wars Episode VII will drop some time in 2015, precisely, as Boston comedian Rich Gustus would say, “the second Saturday after I get my shit together.”

khanshirtSay it with me: KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!

Ever want the massive, gleaming chest sported by Ricardo Montalban in Star Trek II – The Wrath Of Khan, but can’t commit to diet, exercise, or silicone prosthetics? Well, pine because of your puny, flat physique no more. The fine people at SuperHeroStuff have just the t-shirt for you. For just under 40 American dollars, you too can achieve the look of a man who has been placed on ice for a lengthy stretch of his wretched life and then spent 15 years in exile with nothing to do but hate Kirk, plot revenge, and push ups.

So, don’t put down that can of Pringles, my friend. Throw this shirt on, pop your Star Trek II DVD in the player, and eat up. And know that when Shatner yells that immortal line, he’s really yelling for you.

Via Fashionably Geek.

wpid-20131007_163416.jpgEd. Note. This review starts off with spoilers. Ugly, ugly spoilers. And tits, but, mostly spoilers. You’ve been warned.

The world is not what it seems.

That is the message writer Ken Kristensen and artist M.K. Perker are trying to get across in Todd The Ugliest Kid On Earth – and they are succeeding.

Ever wonder why Charlie Rose is so damn popular? Arguably, because he is a national treasure (his words). Also? Satanist. No, scratch that. Satanist-In-Chief.

Yep. Kristensen and Perker have created a world where Rose is a Satanist hunted by a Groucho Marx lookalike, where tits are the mirror of the soul, and local bullies get their comeuppance during a Seven Minutes In Heaven session that rapidly devolves into their own, personal Crying Game. And in the middle of it all?

Todd. The Ugliest Kid On Earth.

Interested? You should be.

x-f262(Ed. Note – This review will be rife with spoilers starting with the very next line. Really. There’s no going back now, ok? Still here? All right then. You were warned.)

X-Factor Investigations is closed.

The long running title from writer Peter David closed up shop with issue #262, the end of a six part series of stand alone stories wrapping up the storylines of each of the main players. The finale focuses on the fate of group leader, Jamie Madrox, and his sometime wife, Layla Miller, “the girl who knows stuff”. In the aftermath of the “Hell On Earth” story, they’ve taken refuge on Jamie’s childhood home, a now abandoned farm. Jamie has been transformed into a demon by another demon named Mephisto with seemingly no way to be changed back. Layla, a mutant who’s power is “knowing stuff”, has been blindsided by the discovery that she is pregnant. Truly, the end times are upon us.

So, is it happily ever after for our crew?

Inspired by the casting of Ben Affleck as Batman in the upcoming Superman vs. Batman, Dave Ebert puts on his best Mark Wahlberg impression for this Iron Man spoof. Importantly, it asks the question we all wonder about: “Is it better to be feared or respected? Why can’t I be both? …Larry Bird is both. I’m fucking Iron Man.”

And, as someone who recently installed a widget on my phone specifically to give me updates on Sox games, I can’t fault him for his use of Jarvis at 1:29 in.

Via Topless Robot.